About Me

You landed here because you want to learn about creating wealth, starting or growing your own business or simply want to have more time and purpose in your life. That’s what I do – so you’ve come to the right place.

My name is Chukwudi Samuel. I was born in Lagos, Nigeria and my father was an officer of the Army and later was heavily involved with agriculture and transportation.

My parents were very strict and the motto at home was discipline and knowledge. As a child my parents continuously challenged their five children to reach beyond their circumstances through reading and building their knowledge of the world.

I attended a military primary and secondary school. After A-Level, I worked as an accounts clerk in a large hotel chain and a school bus driver in a primary school in Lagos, before being accepted into The University of Ife Engineering faculty to study computer engineering and after  years of industry experience I was accepted to do an MBA at the University of Bradford.

I have accreditations from the open group to use their TOGAF framework for business transformation, I am also a Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert, a Microsoft Certified Professional to name just a few.

I wrote this little bio for more than one reason. Firstly I wanted to document my journey for my own sake, because it’s easy to forget sometimes where you started and how far you’ve come and just focus on all the stuff you still want to achieve.

But the second, more important reason is: the only emails I look forward to getting are from people who I feel I know personally and I will like to send you some emails in the future, as I see you and I doing a lot of work together.

Listen. Information alone won’t help you succeed in life and business. Why? Well, there is just far too much of it out there. So besides getting information, and knowing what to do with it, you need to make sure to get that information from a reliable source and someone who has a proven track record!

I have designed a 4 part proven blueprint that can help companies increase their profit no matter the industry.

Now, let us get started on my page. It is a click away…


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