
We live in a voice activated universe. The key is the sound of your voice, this is when your voice is speaking what God anointed you to say in prayer, prophecy, proclamation, petition, your unique selling proposition etc, your authorize God’s army ( angels, chariots, horses,…) to go in and open the doors of your … Read more

Effective Partnership

It is impossible to achieve uncommon success without effectively partnering. There is no such thing as a self-made man, every impossible dream ever achieved has come through partnering. We need to leverage others people time, energy, Skill, access and money because there is simply not enough time to do everything well and in order to … Read more

Holy Wow

The longer I live the more I discover how little I know, the bible states that the mercies of God reaches the Heavens, that means we cannot reach the end of His Mercy. Some of us see Him as an angry God, no such thing, He is a loving Father. Nothing can separate us from … Read more


Everything we say and do does not happens in a random vacuum, because we think before we speak. Thoughts are real – they occupy mental real estate. Every thought has a “heart” – the intention of that thought. God looks at this ‘heart’ (Jeremiah 17:10) to give to each man according to his ways and … Read more

Mindset Paradigms

To elaborate on mindset paradigms, I will classify the human mindset into three broad categories namely: God, Greek, Barbarian. A barbarian mindset sees the world like this “I am the oppressor, they are the oppressed”. The barbarian mindset is anchored on “If you fill people with fear, you can control them, to a barbarian mindset … Read more

Think Like Heaven

The earth gets it sustenance from Heaven. Knowing what heaven is thinking and aligning to it will open the door to abundance. Heaven is able to replicate itself on earth through men that lead from the future. Awareness is required, in understanding that heaven is speaking to earth. Thinking like heaven starts with thinking about … Read more



The valuation of a business is a mathematical equation.

Valuation = Profit X Multiple

Most people are trained to understand how to calculate the profit in a firm but few understand how to get a value for the multiplier. In all the business plan I have had to review I have not found a section dedicated for the multiplier.

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  My understanding is that business is not just about profit. It is about nobility, honor, influence, goodness, service and power. It is about changing communities and creating a Godly realm of exchange. I do a lot of research and found out that a lot of business failures at the inception stage is due to … Read more